For all those couples in love out there,
Valentine’s Day is coming around. For the singles still looking for love –
well, Valentine’s Day is still about love, and that love can be for a friend, a
sibling, a parent, even a pet! If you know who your Valentine is going to be
this V-Day, then it is probably time to figure out what you are getting them,
too. On the world’s most celebrated day for the expression of love, check out
some great ideas on what you could gift your Valentine this year.
A little clichéd, you say? To all of you who say so, we say that a cliché becomes a cliché for a reason. It is a rare few who can say with conviction that chocolate cannot brighten up their day. A box of heart-shaped candy for the sweetheart is a wonderful gift – it is cheesy, it is romantic, it is old-school sentimental, and best of all, it is yum. Oh and since chocolate happens to be a woman’s best friend (except for diamonds, maybe – it is a close tie!), it makes a wonderful gift for a single Valentine too! You can never really go wrong with a box of Lindt, now, can you?
Now once again, this one is somewhat of a cliché. But once again, a cliché doesn’t arbitrarily become one, does it? If your Valentine is someone who would appreciate the conventional, cute, romantic gesture, then a teddy bear holding a big red heart with the words ‘I Love You’ printed in block across it is a perfect gift. For those of you whose Valentine does not fall in this category, don’t take the term ‘Teddy Bear’ literally – get them a stuffed toy, a bobble-head, even an action figure of their favourite TV series or animated character, maybe one that is a shared favourite even!
The best part about this category is that you can improvise based on the relationship you share with your Valentine. Red tie for the men, or maybe perhaps an ascot scarf (or even socks, if they have a little bit of a funky side!); red scarf, bangles, ballet flats, handbag… the list for women is quite endless. Think of your Valentine’s favourite accessory, and go out and find one of those in a shade of startling red to symbolize just how much you love them, and wrap it an a matching shade of red gift paper, if you want to go all out!
Nothing beats flowers on Valentine’s Day. Whether your Valentine is a friend, a sibling, a lover, or any other kind of relationship that can possible be conceived, there is always a flower that can convey to that person just how much you love them. Yellow, pink, white or red – take your pick of a rose colour, and gather a beautiful bouquet for your Valentine. And if they aren’t too thrilled about roses in general, then get them a bouquet of their personal favourite flower instead – tulips, orchids, lilies… once again, the list is long.
There will always be, among the Valentines of the world, a type of people who are extremely un-inclined towards sentimentality and conventional romantic gestures. For those Valentines, we say keep it simple – write a note. On the world’s most celebrated day of love, put down just how much you love (and the reasons why, too – you could make it creative!) this person in words. The pen is quite mighty, as proverbial hearsay will tell you. And even if you think that your Valentine does not particularly need to be told that you love them, trust us – there is a whole different feel about love that is expressed explicitly. It will absolutely make their day.